Talent management and organizational change are essential components for the sustainable success of any organization, where talent is one of the greatest assets each one possesses. In these times of rapid change, it is indispensable to adopt new approaches to achieve proper management of this human talent. At Grant Thornton, we specialize in providing solutions to support organizations and their leaders in effectively managing human talent. We offer comprehensive services that include:


We know that incorporating, retaining, and developing top-level talent is key to an organization's success in a highly competitive market. We help our clients identify and incorporate top executive talent based on their needs, covering various functional areas of the organization to achieve their business objectives. With over 20 years of experience, we provide professional advice with the highest standards of quality and customer service. We have the experience, international methodology, and local expertise to identify the right leadership talent for your organization, ensuring a cultural and technical fit as a result of the selection process.

Salary Structure and Benefits

We develop competitive and equitable salary structures, as well as attractive benefits packages that meet the needs of your employees. We can advise you on the design of variable compensation policies, stock options, bonuses, and similar incentives to attract and retain talent and achieve the best productivity from your employees. We also provide advice to reduce the unwanted impacts of these policies and comply with their legal implications.

Performance Evaluation

We implement performance evaluation systems that foster productivity and professional development. Our systems are designed to provide constructive feedback and promote continuous growth.

Wellness Programs

We develop and implement comprehensive wellness programs for your employees. These programs are designed to improve the overall health and well-being of your team, increasing job satisfaction and commitment.

Retention Strategies

We design strategies to increase talent retention and reduce staff turnover. These strategies aim to create an attractive and motivating work environment that fosters employee loyalty and commitment.

Compliance Audits

We conduct audits to ensure compliance with applicable labor laws and regulations. Our audits help identify and mitigate legal risks, ensuring that your organization operates within the legal framework.

Third-Party Company Audits

We conduct audits of third-party companies to comply with current regulations on subcontracting, labor supply, and intermediation. This way, your organization can reduce the risk of non-compliance by third-party companies.

Labor Legal Consultancy

We provide legal advice for managing labor conflicts and regulatory compliance. Our team of labor law experts offers practical and effective solutions to handle disputes and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

Career Development

We design professional development programs and career plans that align personal aspirations with company goals. Our programs are designed to foster employee growth and satisfaction, ensuring each individual reaches their maximum potential.

Training and Development

We create customized training programs to strengthen the skills and competencies of your employees. These programs are personalized to address the specific needs of your organization and ensure that your team is equipped with the necessary tools to face current and future challenges.

Cultural Diagnosis

We assess the current culture of your organization and provide an improvement plan. Our systematic approach allows us to identify areas of strength and opportunities, helping to build an organizational culture that promotes engagement, collaboration, and innovation.

Change Management

We support organizations in managing organizational change to ensure a smooth and effective transition. We develop personalized change strategies that minimize resistance and maximize the adoption of new initiatives, ensuring long-term success. Today, we are seeing technological changes as the main changes to be managed regarding their impact on people, for which we have the experience and the most up-to-date methodologies. However, there are other types of changes to be managed in organizations for which we also have tailored solutions.