Growing businesses need strong tax management to meet current and future tax liabilities and we can help you achieve this, whatever challenges you face.


National and International tax advisory and planning for companies and individuals services provided by Grant Thornton, have as main objective to assessing as many options as possible in order to provide the benefits granted by the tax laws for our clients.

Our work is developed both professionally and on a personalized manner. The methodology we use in our audit processes is designed to provide not only advisory on this subject, but also to allow a constant interrelation focused towards meeting the specific needs and expectations of our customers.


The services we offer are the following:

  • Opinions on the degree of compliance with obligations imposed by local regulations
  • Preparation, presentation and follow up of opinions regarding tax regulations
  • Preparation of diagnosis related to the compliance with tax regulations in order to establish alternatives aimed at optimizing resources
  • Advise on local taxes
  • Advise on investment project filing for soliciting tax exemption benefits
  • Audit report on compliance of taxes